Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The top of the trees

I've been in New Orleans for what seems like forever.
Every day that passes it seems less and less like home.
I love it here but I love it more when I can share it with my wife and kids.
My Dad use to tell me that Home is where you hang your hat. He always said that he could live anywhere.

The longer you are away from your family the more you start to realize that they can live without you. They call a little less each day and your conversations get shorter. You get alot more paranoid and in some ways a lot smarter. Where there's smoke there's fire . At least that's what you believe. Everyone seems to think that you are lounging around and taking it easy.
In reality this is the hardest thing that I 've ever done.
In some ways I think I didn't lose much in the Hurricane, but then I realize that no matter what my house looks like, I lost everything. I lost my life, my job, my house, my friends, my way of life. My family can no longer function like a family because we don't live alone and haven't for 5 months.

We are what we are. I don't feel sorry for myself but I cannot sweep the facts under the rug. Will my family survive this disaster. In some ways I think we've already succombed to Katrina.
In other ways we were successful in overcoming.

Wait for the sequel to see what happens


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