Monday, January 07, 2008

My Kindal...11 years later

Saturday on January 5th my oldest daughter Kindal turned 11. It's funny how you become your parents when you get older. I remember my parents telling me " Your Growing like a Weed" and "We better stop feeding you because your getting so big". I even remember my Mom telling me , as she looked up, " You may have to look down at me to hear me but you better always look up to me, I brought you into this world and I'll take you out. " She always had a big goofy smile on her face when she told me that. But they always eluded to how big I was getting and how fast it was happening. I always thought it was just cliche when they said those things. I never really had any experience to put with the words, so I never really thought much about them. Until Lately.
Kindal turned 11 Saturday and I swear to you, I can remember the smell of the room and every sound that was there.......the day she was born 11 years ago. I can't tell you what I watched on TV last night, but I can tell you ever name my wife called me while she was in labor and every time she squeezed my arm when Kindal was on her way. I remember how scared I was and couldn't show it because I needed to be strong for my new family. I remember that we felt like we'd been by ourselves in Alabama for such a long time when in fact it hadn't been very long at all. I remember just how I felt when I saw Kindal's head crown and saw that squishy little face as she took her first breath. I remember feeling the fricton on the blade of the scissors as I cut her cord. I remember how cold it was that night in Birmingham on January 5th. I remmber all of that..........11 years ago . That was just Kindal. Ben came 3 years later in that same hospital, just before we moved back to New Orleans.....and then 5 years after that Kiley was born in New Orleans....... and then Christian was born just a little over 2 months ago. So much has happened that seems like a long time ago.........................but my Kids are bending the Time Space continuem ( I learned that watching Hero's ) and growing faster than everything around them.
I am now in my 40's and have 4 kids. My thoughts have changed a little but not alot from the time I wrote letters to Kindal and told her about my thoughts on life.
Be an explorer in life. People all around you will tell you why you can't do something.......................................... Do it anyway !!!!!!!!!!!!! As long as your not hurting anyone else or infringing on their rights, you have an obligation to explore. We only live one time , as far as we can be sure, so don't waste it.
Be kind and respectful to everyone that does the same for you. That goes for people that you don't know. Always give everyone a chance to be your friend and to experience your life, but be cautious and don't waste time on people that decide to disrespect you and try to take advantage of you. Again , life is to short and there are alot of people in this world worthy of your friendship.
Always take up for the underdog. Some people in this life have it alot harder than you do and need your hand. Homeless shelters are full of them. Just because everyone else decides to piss on someone, doesn't mean they deserve to be pissed on. Some of the nicest and best people I've ever met in this world were down on their luck. I've had jobs in the most dangerous and poorest areas of New Orleans and it was worth it to go into those areas because I met some of the best people there. Don't limit yourself. take up for those that need you, and don't ever judge people by what they look like, or what others think of them.
Don't let this world walk all over you. It will surely try. Your Grandparents Ellis lived ever day and made everone around them better. Try to do the same thing.

Just remember one thing:

I'll love you matter what you decide to do.