Saturday, November 19, 2005

I remember November 16th 1963

I remember the problems that my Dad had remembering important dates every year. My Mom on the other hand never forgot. My Mom; She could remember every birthday, every anniversary, every important date for just about anyone she met. If on the rare occasion she couldn't remember, she had it written down in her notebook. Mom was so good at important dates that she had a file made up with the cards that she wanted to send people on thier special day. When she passed away we found several cards for the upcoming year already made out and ready to send. I know that she looked down from Heaven on those people when we gave them her cards. She knew when she saw the perfect card for a particular person and she bought it no matter how far off the event was. She would put it in a file dated a few days ahead in order to put it in the mail on time. She really cared about people and liked to make them feel special. My Mom was one of a kind.

Just as important to her was that people remember her special days. Not necessarily with gifts but just recognition. Don't get me wrong she like to be surprised on the morning of her birthday, Christmas, Valentines Day, Easter, her Wedding anniversary. She liked to open something even if it was just a card. But it was the thought that counted to her most.

The times that we forgot my Mom's birthday or anniversary have become comical stories in my family. But they weren't comical when they happened. Most of the time my Dad was the culprit. Just as my Mom was known for remembering, My Dad was legendary for forgetting. I won't get into the stories here because I don't have the space but suffice it to say he needed our help remembering most of the days my Mom found special. My Mom liked the feeling of being remembered and that's why she tried to remember everyone else. She wanted them to share that feeling.

That's why I write this with tears. This week , November 16th specifically, was my Mom and Dad's 42nd wedding anniversary. I am in New Orleans cleaning up after Hurricane Katrina and I forgot until today that thier anniversary was on Wednesday. I know Mom would have forgiven me, but at least she would be here to tell me so. I am generally good about remembering dates but I let this one pass. I love my Mom and Dad and the best way for me to honor them is to not forget thier important dates. I can feel my Mom and Dad looking down on me on every special occasion that Kristin , the Kids and I have. I will not forget hers just because she's not physically here.

I'll do better.

I love you Mom and Dad.

Tim :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, great post.

4:37 PM  

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