Thursday, July 07, 2005

There's a big wind commin'

Well we survived tropical storm Cindy. Tuesday night we had sustained winds of about 70 mph. It was the strongest sustained wind that I've experienced in a while. The wind was strong enough that it blew my front door open 3 times. The electricity went out about 9pm ( right in the middle of a good pay per view movie ). It didn't come back on until about 9pm last night. There are approximatley 100,000 homes in New Orleans without electricity this morning.

Our problem at hand is Hurricane Dennis. At this point we are in the cone of caution and they think it will make landfall by Sunday Morning. They are saying that it will enter the Gulf of Mexico as a category 3 hurricane ( 111 - 130 mph sustained winds) . When it hits the Gulf the fears are that the winds will get stronger possibly a category 5 hurricane ( 156 mph sustained winds and up )

The good new is that Kristin, Kindal, Ben and Kiley are in Colorado with her parents and brothers. I talked to Dena and she will more than likely by headed north. Richard doesn't know for sure what he will be doing ( more than likely he will be with Dena ) . The evacuation route out of the city was changed last year and if you wait until the evacuation starts, you cannot travel west. Last year during Hurricanes Lilly and Ivan everyone headed west toward Dallas. This year they can't go that direction unless they leave real early. The route takes you North across lake Pontchatrain and into Mississippi.

Because of work I cannot consider leaving until the last minute. I haven't made any decisions yet.

Hopefully Hurricane Dennis will change directions and go somewhere else.

We'll wait and see


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